Friday, March 20, 2009


Ever have one of those "loud" days? Everything seems overamplified. The littles wake up extra early and it all goes downhill from there. The kids want the music (ok, it's Scripture Scouts and Primary music) up at the max level on the stereo. Everything they say is a yell or a scream. They seem extra hyper all day, and the sound of them running on the wood floors through the house seems too much to bear. The baby doesn't want to be put down and protests loudly at every attempt to do so. Reading outloud to the gang is quite impossible because the words of the book cannot be heard over the conversations of the masses. No-one does their schoolwork or chores, and the only way to make oneself heard is to join in the loudness. A headache is inevitable. Even using the bathroom or taking a shower is no respite. Tree came home in the early afternoon for a few minutes and everything was in chaos. When Pippin asked him why he was home, he answered, "So I can get depressed". Hmph. When Tree comes home this evening I am going to escape. It's a nice day, so maybe I'll be able to take a book and go for a walk to a park or something. Somewhere nice and quiet. I gotta make dinner first though. Any quick ideas? I've got rocks on the brain, and can't think what to make for dinner - we've been studying geology. Ok, I've been studying geology - I can't get the kids to quiet down long enough to get any kind of book learning in. At least we've done a couple of field trips and they get excited when they see quartz.
The missionaries are scheduled to have dinner at our house tomorrow. DON'T LET ME FORGET! I've forgotten so many things lately. Things that are written in my planner, but I just forget to look at the dumb thing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, do I know days like this. I was in tears the other day because I had just reached my limit and Mark was about an hour late coming home from work. I had be counting on getting away and really needed and then when he didn't make it home I just fell apart.

    Hang in there!
